Teacher Tuesday- School is Cool!

I LOVE the start of school.

There is nothing I love better about the end of summer than walking into a store and seeing the school supply displays, and the handouts of school supplies for certain schools and grades. I loved going to school in the summertime to look at the class rosters and find my teacher. The night before school started I was always entirely too excited to sleep.

Even now, I love opening a new notebook and writing the first words on the first page, admiring my handwriting in ink against the crisp white paper.

Sometimes I think that my love of school supplies, the first day of school, and a newly decorated classroom are what lured me into teaching, and my genuine love for the job is what kept me there.

Anyway, I have picked out an all-new decorating scheme for the fall, and have bought several of my supplies to decorate my room. I plan to do it on a weekend shortly before school starts. I absolutely can’t wait.

I loved last year- my first year teaching, my first crew of kids- oh, it was a wonderful year. But I’ll be honest- sometimes I just had no idea what I had gotten myself into or what I was doing. I didn’t have it together in terms of decorations at all. I shudder to think about some of the weird nametags I made for my kids (hand-drawn umbrellas for April, when I am definitely NOT an artist? Was I INSANE?). I think that I did a good job, but there’s nothing like knowing you’re prepared and ready for something. And this year, I am bursting at the seams with excitement and ideas. I can’t wait to show you pictures of my room once it is finished!!